ROM Studies

ROM Studies from the Manufacture’s web site.

3 Studies and a review of minimum time requirements for effective aerobic capacity (V02max) improvement


1. Study conducted with ROM machines at USC ( University of Southern California ) shows the effectiveness of 4 minute and 8 minute per day exercise on the ROM as equal to or better than 20 to 45 minutes on a treadmill 3 to 5 times per week.

The USC study was conducted by Robert Girandola Interim Chairman, Department of Exercise Sciences.
University of Southern California (USC) at Los Angeles, California.

2. Study conducted in Japan at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in the Department of Physiology and Bio mechanics. This study shows the superior effectiveness of high-intensity interval training versus moderate intensity endurance on VO2Max (aerobic capacity) and on anaerobic capacity.

Study conducted by Izumi Tabata, Kouji Nisimura, Motoki Kouzaki, Yuusuki Hirai, Futoshi Ogita, Miotohiko Miyachi and Kaoru Yamamoto.
Department of Physiology and Bio mechanics, National Institute of Fitness and sports Kanoya City, Kagoshima Prefecture, 891-23 Japan

3. Study conducted by Dr.Angelo Tremblay Ph.D. in Quebec, Canada at Laval University. This study showed the superior effectiveness of high intensity interval training (HIIT) over medium intensity endurance training (ET) for fat “burning”. The high intensity. short duration test protocol of the 15 week study resulted in 9 times as much subcutaneous fat loss versus the medium intensity long duration protocol training over a period of 21 weeks.


Japanese Study Small
Japanese Study
USC Study Small Page 1
USC Studies page 1
USC Study Small Page 1
USC Studies page 2

Canadian Study Small
Canadian Study